5 Tips for a Spook-tacular apartment before your Halloween Party

It’s that time of year again! Leaves are falling, the air is getting crisp, and pumpkin spice everything is hitting store shelves. That can only mean one thing-  Halloween is just around the corner. And if you’re hosting a Halloween party this year, now is the time to start prepping your apartment for the big event. To make sure your apartment is clean and presentable, a little bit of cleaning now will go a long way toward making sure your party is a success. 

Here are five tips to help you get your place ready for a Halloween party.

1. Start with a deep clean 

No one likes to clean, but it’s important to deep clean your apartment before your guests arrive. You don’t want anyone to get dirt or pet hair on their costumes. Make sure you sweep and vacuum all floors, dust surfaces, and empty all the trash cans in your apartment. This will help to ensure that any dirt or dust that has been lurking in corners and crevices will be gone by the time your guests arrive. Chances are if you’ve been procrastinating on your cleaning, there are some cobwebs lurking in the corners of your ceilings. Give them the heebie-jeebies by getting rid of them before your party. A vacuum attachment with a long hose should do the trick.

2. Pay special attention to the kitchen and bathroom

These are two of the most important rooms in your apartment and you'll want to make sure they're sparkling clean before your guests arrive. In the kitchen, make sure the counters are wiped down so that there are no crumbs and yucky greasy surfaces. The bathroom is especially important—no one wants to use a dirty restroom at a party!—so be sure to scrub it before your guests arrive.

3. Declutter common areas

Take a look at your living room, dining room, and any other common areas where guests will be gathering. These spaces should be free of clutter so guests have plenty of room to move around comfortably. If necessary, take some time and declutter these areas a few days before the party. Focus on removing and decluttering old mail, shoes, books, clothes, and nicknacks.

4. Add some festive touches 

Hang up some spooky decorations, put out bowls of candy, and make sure there's plenty of lighting. Good lighting is essential for any party—you don't want your guests stumbling around in the dark! Make sure all of your light fixtures are in working order and consider adding some extra lamps or strings of lights to brighten up your space. And what's a party without music? Get into the Halloween spirit by compiling a list of creepy songs to play throughout the night. Your guests will love it!

5.Organize all of your party supplies

Make sure you have enough plates, cups, napkins, utensils, and other supplies for all of your guests. Nothing is worse than running out of cups halfway through the party! And no Halloween party is complete without some delicious snacks. Whether you like to bake or not, there are plenty of easy recipes for Halloween goodies that will impress your guests.

Cleaning before a party can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. If you’ve decided to clean your apartment with a professional apartment cleaning service, you’re in luck! Amenify powers over 5,000 multifamily communities across the United States with an app for residents to secure any level of cleaning at the click of a button. If your community is an Amenify partner, you can explore services and book your Halloween cleaning through our app.


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