Amenify is reinventing services for the home.

Our Provider Technology is an end-to-end platform for small-to-medium (SMB) companies.

How our technology works


Property Managers and Residents

Get trust, convenience, and value at scale

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Provider Companies

Get growth, data, and better tools

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We are responding to what Property Managers and Residents want in their buildings.

Residents: Trust and value from your private building staff.

Amenify hires vetted and insured providers, schedules regular visits to each building, and provides 7-day support.

  • 1 million+ homes powered

  • 10,000+ Five-Star reviews

  • 24/7 Concierge Support


Property Managers: Save time on vendor management.

Amenify takes care of staffing, legal, technology, marketing, and ongoing support.

  • Resident app integration

  • Secure back-end sync

  • Smart lock capability

  • Marketing included

  • Credits for Residents

  • 7-day real-time support

 Amenify partners with names you know and trust.


We create the tools and technology to help your business be successful.

Provider Companies: Scale to thousands of local homes.

Plug into the Amenify network to grow your top-line and margins. We take care of demand, access, centralized data, and support.


Field Providers: Double your jobs per day.

Amenify field technology helps with dispatching, routing, access, and support.


What People Are Saying


“I’m so excited I found you guys. Thanks so much for the extra effort and fitting me in so quickly.”

— Austin, Resident


“Amenify accounted for 25% of my business in the first 3 months.”

— Sarah, Service Provider

“It helped me tremendously with this lease-up. 80% of our residents are participating in Amenify.”

— Taylor, Property Manager


“Working with Amenify–It's easy, it’s perfect. Thank you so much.”

— Brenda, Field Tech